"The End Of Your Search For A Friendly Church."
13021 Julian Avenue, Lakeside, CA 92040     
Map :: Lakeside Church of Christ

Where and When We Meet


Our church building is located in Lakeside at 13021 Julian Ave. just east of Petite Ln. on the south side of the street.

  • From Alpine and east: Take I-8 west to Lake Jennings Exit. Turn right (north) onto Lake Jennings Park Rd. Turn left (west) onto Julian Ave. at the stop sign. Our building will be on your left as you approach the traffic light at Petite Ln.
  • From El Cajon and west: Take I-8 east to Los Coches Rd. Exit. Turn left (north) onto Los Coches. Turn right (east) onto Julian Ave. Our building will be on your right just after you pass through the traffic light at Petite Ln.