[First is the original prayer request, below is the result and a follow-up. Please continue to pray for this family. DCS]
A Prayer Request
July 21, 2008
Brothers and Sisters;
Greetings. My name is Claudia Kulik, and I have been a member of the Church of Christ since I took the plunge in a river in upstate NY in 1980. I love Jesus and I love the Church. And I BELIEVE in the power of prayer.
Just for demographic purposes. I was born and raised in upstate NY. I now live in Mass. and currently worship at the Leominster Church of Christ.
The reason that I am writing is because I am desperately in need of prayers for my son Dan and for my family. Dan began experiment with drugs in 8th grade and our lives have been in a downward spiral since then. We have been battling with this for almost three years now. My husband and I have tried everything under the sun to help this boy. He is a good boy at heart, and we love him dearly as any parent would love their child. Fellow church members have tried and are still trying to help him.
Then it dawned on me, when Jesus says, "this type can only come out by prayer". Dan really needs prayers. So, I decided to ask my brothers and sisters for help in this.
Our family is at the end of its rope. What we need now is prayers. What I am asking does not cost any money, and that is the best thing. Prayer is free.
Please pray for my son Dan, that he will hear God's gentle whisper. Please feel free to word it any way you wish. Just, please pray. I am a mother with a broken heart, and I need your help, we need your help, Dan needs your help. Ask the Body to pray for my son. Ask your friends.
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.................
Thank you so much.
In Jesus name
Claudia Kulik
PO Box 105
Westminster, MA 01473
The Result
January 28, 2009
Hello Again;
This is Claudia Kulik, and as you may recall I sent out prayer
requests for my son in July of 2008. I thank you so much for your
prayers, and I wanted to tell you what has happened since then.God began to answer our prayers immediately. We were fortunate enough
to get counsel from some of our dear christian friends. They
suggested checking out Harding Academy in Searcy, Arkansas. We sat
down with Dan and asked him if he would like to check this out, and
his ears perked up. We explained the rules to him, and that this was
all up to him.I am not sure if I can explain all the emotions that we all went
through at the time, but in early August he was off to school. The
Word of God is a daily part of his curriculum.On October 31st we got a phone call that Dan put Christ on in
baptism. I want you to share this with the congregation please. I am
trying to get the great news out to all the churches that I asked for
prayers. I still believe in the power of prayer, and now more so than
ever. God BlessIn His Wonderful Love;
Claudia Kulik
January 29, 2009
Dear David (and the body at Lakeside);
There are no words that could express my gratitude enough for those prayers. And I wanted to share this one thought with everyone. After my son was baptized, and we were so full of joy, thankfulness and gratitude to God, the brethren, etc... One woman came up to me and said, I can't believe how much you did, and how far you went to help your son.
The only response that I could think of was this..... If your child had cancer, what would you do? Sin is even worse than a cancer, because it can spread too. It hurts those around it, and sometimes we all take it too lightly. I hope that this prayer QUEST renews all of our hearts in Christ, as there are so many others out there whose lives are being battered by some sin or other.
I hope we all remember the power of prayer, I know that this has been a lesson of belief and of gratitude for me.
Thank you thank you thank you.